Don't forget: Students do not have school on Monday, September 19th due to teacher in-service. Enjoy your long weekend. See you all Tuesday, September 20th ~ Mrs. Andres

Greetings Bonner Families: Below is a link for a recipe book that Bonner PTA is putting together. I can't wait to try out all the new recipes! Yum!

I’m jumping for joy! Tonight is the night, it’s open house!!! Come join us for ice cream and fun from 5:30-7:00!

One more day and it’s our open house and ice cream social!!!
Open house:September 15th from 5:30-7:00. See you there!

Be sure to check out the Silent Auction at this week's Open House! From 5:30 to 7:00 be sure to bid on some amazing items. We got gift cards and gift baskets galore, plus lift tickets and a half a butchered hog! Tell your friends, all are welcome! Funds will be used to send 8th graders to Washington DC in the spring.

Open house is fun!
Join us for an evening of fun, Thursday, September 15th from 5:30-7:00!

Save the date!
Bonner School‘s open house is Thursday, September 15th from 5:30 - 7:00 join us for an exciting evening!

School pictures are today! Bring your smile.

Check out the attached picture of the photo packets that are available through Kathleen Ward.

Friendly reminder: School pictures are tomorrow, September 7th!

Enjoy the three day weekend! Stay safe and see you Tuesday, September 6th!

The 2022-23 school year is off to the best start!

The first day of school for all students at Bonner school is Wednesday, August 24! I am beside myself with excitement to see all of our returning students and so excited to meet our new students too! See you soon! Mrs. Andres

Bonner School is providing the following sports camps at no cost to students: Basketball camp will run August 1-4: Grades 3-8 attend from 3:00-4:30, Grades 6-8 only from 4:30-6:00. Football camp is August 15-18 for grades 6-8, from 4:00-6:00. Students should enter the building through the gym entrance on the west side of the building to check in with Coach Jacobsen and Coach Hamilton.

GRIT Run 2022!

GRIT Run 2022!

GRIT Run 2022!

GRIT Run 2022!

GRIT Run 2022!

GRIT Run 2022!