Parents, we are looking forward to our Open House this Thursday. We are adjusting our schedule slightly and will not begin the evening with our usual ice cream social in the cafeteria. Instead, join us between 6:30 and 7:30, walk through the cafeteria to grab an ice cream, and then stop by your teachers’ classrooms to introduce yourself!

Save the date: Our back to school open house night is Thursday, September 16th from 6:30 - 8:00.

7th Grade Microbiologists explore the world of cells!

Lumberjacks, Hope you all enjoyed your three day weekend! See you tomorrow bright & early!! ~ Mrs. Andres

It’s finally here! It’s PICTURE Day!!

Bring your best smile! Picture Day is tomorrow (Friday, September 3rd)

Picture day is Friday, September 3! Don’t forget to bring your smile!

Welcome back Lumberjacks! Best 1st day ever!

Lumberjacks, I am counting down the hours until I get to see you all tomorrow! I am so excited for the first day of school! I have missed you all! ~ Mrs. Andres

Middle School Students- When you arrive at school on Thursday please look on the walls for lists with names and assigned homerooms. This will tell you where you need to go for 1st period. You’ll receive your schedules in your homeroom/1st period class. We can’t wait to see you!
*Disregard the previous directions to head to the gym first thing- we need to feed you breakfast before the assembly :)

Football camp 2021 was so much fun and we learned a lot too!

Football camp 2021 was a blast!

Summer school 2021

Check out summer school 2021!

Brain boost for summer school math!

Check it out! Summer school 2021!

Basketball camp - 2021 was a Blast!
Go Lumberjacks!

Counting down the days until I see you all again!! Hurry up and get here Thursday, August 26th!!

Looking for a fun part time job? Majestic Bus Service is now hiring! Check this out!

Parents, if your 7th or 8th grader is interested in playing football at Bonner this fall, consider signing them up for Coach Jacobsen’s football camp, August 16-19! Click the link below: