6th Grades in Mr. Huisken's social studies go old school, literally! Today they learned about ancient writing methods, clay tablet and all!

A typical day in 1M

A typical day in KV

Learning is fun in KV

A typical day in 2H!

Missoula Food Bank will be distributing Turkey's and the fixings Sunday, November 22nd between 9:00-6:00.
1720 Wyoming St, Missoula, MT
See the flyer for more info: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hwcmllGOblz9kcE0pB8ln1C_5nv5Z71l/view?usp=sharing

We understand that after school child care is hard to come by these days! Check out this great opportunity through the Boys & Girls Club of Missoula County! Call 406-542-3116 or e-mail bgcmissoula@bgcmissoulacounty.org for more info!

No school tomorrow Friday, November 6th!

Cutest Pumpkins in the patch!

Virtual Halloween 2020

We’re thrilled to announce Bonner School District #14’s new app! It’s
everything Bonner School, in your pocket. Download the app on Android:
https://bit.ly/34bnYiW or iPhone: https://apple.co/3ibIPHW.

Friendly reminder: Be sure to sign up for parent/teacher soon as conferences are next week!
No school Friday, November 6th

PTA sponsored contest update! Check it out!

Day light saving time ends Sunday at 2:00 am! Don't forget to set your clocks back one hour before you go to bed Saturday!

Friendly reminder: we do NOT have school on October 15th & 16th due to MEA.

Our November School Board meeting is on the 10th! Be sure to join us via Zoom at 7:00.

Parents, please click the link below to read a letter from Mr. Howard.