If you and your family are looking for a Thanksgiving meal, the Missoula Food Bank & Community Center will be distributing turkeys with the fixings on Sunday, November 20th from 9:00am-6:00pm at 1720 Wyoming St, Missoula MT. Happy Thanksgiving!
about 2 years ago, Teige Cudahy
Thanksgiving Meal
Who says history can't be hands on? In 6th grade Mr. Willis and Mr. Huisken helped students learn how to write on clay, like the scribes of the world's first cuneiform tablets. In 7th grade, some 7th graders opted for a music project on West African traditional melodies.
about 2 years ago, Dylan Huisken
A student writes on clay
Students with djembe drums
Learning the finger-picking rhythm  of the song "Jarabi"
Bonner TK-5th grade families: Don’t forget to join us tomorrow, Friday, November 11th for movie night. Doors open at 5:30 and the movie will begin at 6:00. Popcorn, candy, and water are a $1.00 each. The movie is free! Please remember that every child must be accompanied by an adult. See you there!!
about 2 years ago, Shelley Andres
November movie night
Bonner TK -5th grade families: Bonner PTA will be showing Sing 2 for the November movie night! Join us this Friday, November 11 for movie night. Doors open at 5:30 PM and the movie will begin at 6:00. Popcorn, candy, and water are $1.00 each. The movie is free! Please remember that every child must be accompanied by an adult. See you there!
about 2 years ago, Shelley Andres
November movie night
Join us, Thursday November 17th for Bingo for Books! Come enjoy a free spaghetti dinner and play Bingo. Dinner and Bingo from 5:00pm-6:00pm in the cafeteria. RSVP Link-https://forms.gle/c21DsyWKpCxKme5K7
about 2 years ago, Jenae Bagby
Flyer BFB
Shout out to Mrs. Nederhoed! Our librarian extraordinaire helped organize a grant through the NCAA program Extra Yard for Teachers, which was used to order books for our middle school reading lab and Battle of the Books collaboration. Go team! #CFPExtraYard
about 2 years ago, Dylan Huisken
Mr. Huisken and Mrs. Nederhoed in the library with their new stacks of books
Reminder - This is the week to bring in your Pumpkin Character! Bonner Library is growing a book character pumpkin patch that will decorate our library the end of this month. I am looking for no-carve, decorated pumpkins (painted, accessorized or dressed) that represent a favorite book character or book. Please make all entries kid-friendly/not too scary. Also, if you completely paint your pumpkin, please drill a small hole for gasses to escape. Help prevent explosions! Some characters have come to an unfortunate end this way. You may also use a craft pumpkin instead of real. I will be picking the top 5 most original pumpkins on the morning of October 28th to win a prize! Please bring your pumpkin into the library between October 24th – October 27th so we can display all the fun characters through the last week of October and your student can grab their pumpkin the 28th to display at home over the weekend. I look forward to seeing all of your wonderful ideas!
about 2 years ago, Katie Nederhoed
Fancy Nancy
I’m so excited to see you! Welcome back!
about 2 years ago, Shelley Andres
I love being YOUR principal!
Our annual staff versus students volleyball game was a blast!!
about 2 years ago, Shelley Andres
staff vs students volleyball game 2022
staff vs students volleyball game 2022
staff vs students volleyball game 2022
staff vs students volleyball game 2022
Our kindergarten and 1st grade teachers stated, “Our students learned so much from the Fire Prevention Presentation and the puppet show was a hit!”
about 2 years ago, Shelley Andres
Fire Prevention Presentation 2022
Fire Prevention Presentation 2022
Fire Prevention Presentation 2022
Fire Prevention Presentation 2022
Friendly reminder: No school October 20 & 21! Be safe and I will see you all on Monday the 24th. ~ Mrs. Andres
about 2 years ago, Shelley Andres
no school October 20 & 21
Last Friday, the Bonner Middle School band performed "Go Griz Go" in the hallway to celebrate and support the Montana Grizzlies. It was really fun! Here are some photos of the group preparing to perform!
about 2 years ago, Cory McAtee
Go griz 1
Go Griz 2
Go Griz 3
Pumpkin Character Patch Bonner Library is growing a book character pumpkin patch that will decorate our library the end of this month. I am looking for no-carve, decorated pumpkins (painted, accessorized or dressed) that represent a favorite book character or book. Please make all entries kid-friendly/not too scary. Also, if you completely paint your pumpkin, please drill a small hole for gasses to escape. Help prevent explosions! Some characters have come to an unfortunate end this way. You may also use a craft pumpkin instead of real. I will be picking the top 5 most original pumpkins on the morning of October 28th to win a prize! Please bring your pumpkin into the library between October 24th – October 27th so we can display all the fun characters through the last week of October and your student can grab their pumpkin the 28th to display at home over the weekend. I look forward to seeing all of your wonderful ideas!
over 2 years ago, Katie Nederhoed
book characters
Pete the Cat
PTA movie night is TONIGHT! All Bonner TK-5th grade students must be accompanied by an adult. No drop offs.
over 2 years ago, Shelley Andres
Movie night is here!
1st movie night is this Friday!
over 2 years ago, Shelley Andres
movie night
3rd - 8th grade students, Art Club starts tomorrow, September 28th from 3:30 - 4:30 for 3rd -8th grade students only. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WKcAbDrlzc_EHHlkiINANuFkjBE3Oe1MEs2Nk1vbcfs/edit?usp=sharing Hope to see you there ~ Ms. Vandermeulen
over 2 years ago, Shelley Andres
6th graders had a BLAST using atlatls and bows to launch projectiles. It was a beautiful day to experience some Stone Age technology with Mr. Huisken.
over 2 years ago, Dylan Huisken
Getting ready to launch
Launching a projectile with an atlatl
Learning how to string and fire arrows
Attention 3rd-8th grade students, art club is coming soon! Check out the flyer for more information ~ Ms. Vandermuelen
over 2 years ago, Shelley Andres
Art Club 2022-23
TK-5th grade Bonner students, The first movie night is coming soon! Join us Friday, September 30th in the cafeteria! Doors open at 5:30 and Minions, The Rise of Gru starts at 6:00! Students must be accompanied by an adult. Popcorn, candy and water will be sold. The movie is free!
over 2 years ago, Shelley Andres
First movie night is September 30th!
Don't forget: Students do not have school on Monday, September 19th due to teacher in-service. Enjoy your long weekend. See you all Tuesday, September 20th ~ Mrs. Andres
over 2 years ago, Shelley Andres