Free Breakfast and Lunch for kids available over the holiday break!
Come one! Come all! To the Bonner PTA craft fair!
When: Saturday, December 18
From: 9:00 - 3:00
Where: Bonner School Gym
What: all your last-minute holiday goodies
Some of Mrs. Adam's students practiced reading a recipe, measuring ingredients, wrapping boxes, and getting into the giving spirit by cooking up "Cookies in Jar" to give to loved ones for Christmas!
Some of Mrs. Adam's students practiced reading a recipe, measuring ingredients, wrapping boxes, and getting into the giving spirit by cooking up "Cookies in Jar" to give to loved ones for Christmas!
Last chance to send donations in for The Little Elf Shop!
Mr. Hamilton's class had a very special guest today. Karlee speaks American Sign Language and spent the day in second grade. At the end of the day she took questions and taught the kids how to sign a variety of different phrases in sign language. Thank you so much for coming and sharing your experience with us!
How did the ancient Egyptians move gigantic stones without using wheels? 6th grades used a STEM project to find out! (Hint: not aliens)
Drumroll please… The winner for November door decorating contest with the theme of “We are thankful for” goes to Mr. Hamilton and his 2nd grade class!
This month theme for our door decorating contest was “we are thankful for” look at these amazing doors!! Runners up are:
7th graders kicked off their book clubs this week! Each group is reading a different book that has similar themes to the class novel we just finished, A Long Walk to Water. Today, students explored the settings of their books and generated some initial questions.
7th graders kicked off their book clubs this week! Each group is reading a different book that has similar themes to the class novel we just finished, A Long Walk to Water. Today, students explored the settings of their books and generated some initial questions.
High School Enrollment Paper are Due December 3rd!
Parents of 8th Graders, High School enrollment paperwork is due back on Friday December 3rd. If you haven't turned in your child's paperwork please do so ASAP. If you did not receive enrollment papers in the mail please contact me, Mrs. Cotner, School Counselor, at
Thank you :)
Don’t forget to bring your smile tomorrow, December 1st - It is school picture retake day!
2nd graders especially love a parade!
2nd graders especially love a parade!
2nd graders especially love a parade!
Happy Thanksgiving to all our wonderful families, students and staff. We are thankful for each of you today and every day.
Friendly reminder: No school Wednesday, November 24th - 28th. Have an amazing Thanksgiving Holiday. See you all Monday, November 29th.
Bonner School wanted to give a big shout out and thank you to Payne-West Insurance and Heidi Hamilton. RAC, random acts of kindness, is a program that PWI does for non-profit organizations. Each employee gets $150 dollars to spend on a place of their choice. Heidi Hamilton spent her money on things such as tooth brushes, socks, sweats, deodorant, and other supplies for the students of Bonner. We are so grateful for generous community members like yourself. THANK YOU and Go Jacks!
Missoula Food Bank & Community Center will be
distributing turkeys with the fixings, available to
Missoula County residents this year.
Sunday, November 21, 2021
9am - 6pm
Missoula Food Bank & Community Center
1720 Wyoming St, Missoula, MT