Hi Bonner families! Please see the below schedule for free summer meals in the community. Have a great summer! - Teige Cudahy, School Counselor
Bonner School is hiring!
The Student Council is happy to announce the installment of Bonner School's Little Free Library! With materials, funds, and books donated by Warden-Thane P.C. Attorneys at Law, this new little library is designed for our community. Come take a book, leave a book, or both! All are welcome to use it and love it over the summer. It is by the gazebo, the perfect reading nook on a summer day!
Mrs. Zentgraf's World Cultures class finished their final projects this week!. Nice work, everyone!
8th grade students practiced the Pythagorean Theorem outside in the beautiful weather in math yesterday!
Bonner Families: The Lumberjack Dash for GRIT is this Friday, June 2nd at 2:00 on the playground behind the building.
See you then, Bonner PTA
The annual fourth grade notables were awesome!
Future teacher in the making!
Our fourth grade notables were out of this world!
Our annual fourth grade notables were fantastic!
Ms. Barrick's TK class spread some love at school on Friday! We had our first ever lemonade stand, where the TK kids served over 100 cups of lemonade to their peers! The lemonade was free of charge, we just asked for smiles, hugs, high fives, or fist bumps!
Our fourth grade annual notables were amazing!
Bonner Families: Your child(ren) should have brought home this flyer and an envelope for families to consider making a donation to our Lumberjack Dash on Friday, June 2nd. As you are visiting with family and friends this Memorial Day Weekend, consider asking them to support Bonner PTA!
Sincerely, Bonner PTA
A huge shoutout to School Store students who designed, directed, and built this project! With the help of Student Council and other 8th grade volunteers, our students put this together in just a few days. Thanks to Mrs. Zimmerman for inspiring these designers and ordering their materials. It looks amazing!
Middle School Fun!
3rd grades Spring concert. They did amazing!
Bonner School K-2 students enjoyed another fabulous field trip at the Ag Center. We loved learning all about the farm animals and greenhouse plants.
Bonner TK-5th grade Families, don't forget to join us for glow night tonight from 5:30 to 7 pm in the cafeteria! See you there, Bonner PTA
This past month in Ms. Quinn's class, 7th graders have been reading 🍎 The Giver by Lois Lowry. While reading, they have been making amazing observations and connections about the book's symbols and the meaning behind them. Today we took class outside to draw some symbols we have identified while we discussed what they might mean. Check out this amazing work!
You can even hear a student explain his symbol here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RcpcGk59Cl1likmuNruMegQQ81jyY5gn/view?usp=drivesdk
Check out 5H's STEM day!